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Cities and Government Properties
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Cities and Government Properties

NOTE: The effectiveness of the product is based on the user's ability to follow product instructions of placement, height, and movement and adjust based on their properties' unique variances.

A quick note to say THANK YOU WATCH DOG. I had three aggressive and annoying crows that continually cawed, pecked, clawed and beat their wings against my office windows daily for several weeks. I would bump the windows from inside to no effect, I would walk outside multiple times per day to chase them away only to have them return in minutes.

Thankfully for my sanity, the crows have never returned after setting up (very easily) the WATCH DOG!

Thank you again WATCH DOG!

Pat Wahlstrom
Chanhassen, MN

Commercial properties

NOTE: The effectiveness of the product is based on the user's ability to follow product instructions of placement, height, and movement and adjust based on their properties' unique variances.

Welcome to Spring! We purchased a three pack of dogs a year ago and are very happy with them. In fact, if you had a sales commission plan going we’d be star salesmen! They certainly kept the geese off the field last Spring, Fall and this Spring.

Our application is at the local Legion baseball field. It is a very desirable location for the geese –sheltered and wonderful grass. We always had lots of goose poop to cleanup every spring.

We had several people who were very skeptical that the dogs really worked. Convincing was easy...just hang around and watch. A group of geese would fly over in low formation, bend their necks down to look at the dogs, perhaps take another pass or two repeating the inspection for danger, and then fly off. Seemed like there was always a group flying over to give a demonstration.

The volunteers who had to rake and shovel goose poop are very happy. We’d easily fill a 32 gallon garbage can or two.

Thanks again for a wonderful time saving product!

We’re looking forward to another season of HS baseball, Legion baseball and Fall ball. We are the “Official Practice Field of the NCAA Division III Baseball Championship” too (since 2005).

Paul Heit
Maintenance / Concessions
Appleton Legion Baseball
Greenville, WI

"We noted the effectiveness of these dogs when our neighborhood association bought them. The common area next to the lake that used to be unusable because of the presence of the geese and their "presents" is now enjoyable! We thought they'd make the perfect gift for my parents. There was a delay in shipping, and customer service at Watch Dog Goose Patrol made it right. Effective product and excellent customer service. Highly recommended.

- Michelle C.

"The Goose Patrol Watchdogs work extremely well. We have not had a single goose land on our 6 acres since we placed the dogs. We have 3 spread out so that there are 2 acres per dog. Very Pleased."

- Stan Harrison, Pres. Harrison Labs Inc.

Hey there!!! I’m part of a my family’s business in Mackinaw City, MI We own a 200 acre campground with a mile of shoreline along Lake Huron!

The decoys are amazing!! I mow the 200 acres, the geese make a mess of the front lawn where people congregate, sunbathe, have campfires along the shore and unwind. The geese waste makes a mess and even cakes to the mower blades.

The decoys work VERY well, the only downside is they are VERY easily stolen. SOMEONE camping here stole one of the decoys I set out to reduce geese waste on the front lawn for the 4th of July.

I’m super disappointed in whomever stole it, I doubt I can get my dad to buy more if people are going to steal!

We used them all last summer and threw them out this year; one huge flock just swims right by instead of coming ashore. I overlooked moving them and last year one flock did get used to them, when the directions are followed the decoys work amazing!! This year they are closer to the water, seems to work better.

- Amy Rogala of Mackinaw Mill Creek Camping

Residential properties

NOTE: The effectiveness of the product is based on the user's ability to follow product instructions of placement, height, and movement and adjust based on their properties' unique variances.

We had an ugly 4' plastic fence alongside our water edge of 150' for the past year to keep the geese from jumping out of the water onto our lawn. I was hesitant to get a fake dog as people told me the geese learn that it is such and will come back. However, I decided I had to give it a try and the dog silhouette has worked 100 percent. In anticipation of the snow and very high tides, I took it down, and within 30-45 minutes the geese had jumped up onto my dock.I suppose the geese learned that the moving dog silhouette was "a dog after all". It has only been 4 days since I immediately put it back, but I'm certain the dog silhouette will again keep the messy geese away. Now my hardest part is name my "new dog"!!!!!

Steve Brice

We don’t usually take the time to write reviews, but this product has been awesome! We live on a lake and our yard was always full of geese droppings. Spent hours cleaning it up. We tried everything without any success. We named him Buddy and we just ordered another one for the other side of our lawn. Now Buddy will have a friend! LOL. Anyway thank you, the product is amazing!!

Shari Short
Bristol, WI

Amazing product! We built a new home on 8 acres with a pond and was inundated with geese everywhere. They especially liked our new grass seed. We put the amber light out at night which worked but they returned every day. I purchased your product and have not seen a goose since putting up the watch dogs! We have had several very funny calls from neighbors, but trust me they have been amazing!

Thank you.
Debbie Scofield

Just a quick note to say that we love your product….we have nicknamed our watch dog Rufus, and to date he has by far been the most effective tool in keeping the geese off of our dock. You can actually see the apprehension in the geese’s eyes as they swim by the dock, spot Rufus, and decide not to hop up to drop their unwanted poop.

Thanks Again
The Blakely Family
Lake Sammamish, WA

The watch dog with the scented disk is a miracle for people with a swimming pool who have regular mallard duck visitors. We had tried many other ideas to keep the ducks from swimming in the pool and depositing their goodies but nothing had worked until we tried the Watch Dog. Our neighbors have commented that they see the ducks come to land in the pool and then divert their flight pattern to avoid the watch dog!! It is truly amazing - a summer without duck droppings!!

Gail and George Fremder

Here's something different you may not have heard before. We bought the dog decoy hoping it would work to deter hawks to protect our 18 chickens.

We have had free range chickens on our 6 acres for over 5 years and no problems with hawks. Then this past fall during one month period one started attacking.. One chicken killed, and 4 other attacks with feathers everywhere, I saw the hawk swooping in 4 times, ran outside, blew the boat horn, and it flew off. That is when I found your decoy online. I sent off for it, and I have used it since the past couple of months when I release the chickens to free range and so far haven't seen the hawk. It could be the decoy, or maybe the hawk moved on since I was so protective blowing the boat horn.

By the way, I originally tried my owl decoy that I added movable wings and glued on a zillion feathers. It looked real! I looked out one day and the hawk actually landed right on the top of the fence right next to the owl! That is when I bought the dog decoy, which I named "Cujo" !

So, just to let you know, the jury is still out, but I'm really hopeful. So far so good!

Thank you for your product!
Sharon D.

I want to tell you that when I opened my first order of the Dog Decoys, I laughed and told my husband that at the least, those enjoying his lake place, (with the goose issue) would get a laugh or two, not thinking for a moment they would really work. You fooled us....and the "dogs" fooled the geese. Normally each morning would include raking the lawn and hosing the dock, but not anymore. We actually brought the ones from the lake to our home to see if they may work on the wild turkeys that like to destroy the yard, as well as the deer. Guess time will tell, but I think they could be helping some.


Debbie Wernz

"Hi there. I ordered your silhouette dog for goose patrol in April of this year.
I HAVE NOT SEEN ONE GOOSE on our lawn since the day I put up my dog silhouette!!
I love it. I have just one problem, I noticed that the spring is rusting already, (we live near the ocean) I did spray wd40 on it and hope that helps but I need to know that "if" it does rust and break, can I buy just the spring? My dog seems to be holding up very well, other than a few birds that have 'gone poop' on it. But the spring looks like it may not hold up maybe another summer...

Anyway, I just love it and your idea was great. Its just what I was looking for. I ordered a scarecrow sprayer last summer and that didn't work, but my dog "silly" as we call him, scares the heck out of the geese!!"

-Signed, A happy Customer, Joanne

Our response to Joanne: 'Thank you for your email. I apologize for the rust you are seeing on the spring. Sometimes a spring doesn't get coated completely with our rust-proof solution and will rust quicker than normal. I will send out a replacement spring at no cost to you so just in case the current one breaks, you'll have a back up.'

-Watch Dog Goose Patrol

"Just a short note to say how impressed I am with the "Watch Dogs" I purchased recently I started getting Canada Geese around my new pond about 3 or 4 weeks ago,I'd chase them off daily....next morning they were back at sunrise! I deployed the 3 Dogs and I have't seen a goose since We had a severe thunderstorm this morning with tornado force winds I thought the dogs would be in the next County by the time I found them But when I went to find them they were still there the wooden stakes had all split but the dogs were still attached to them and I simply replaced the stakes. Excellent product."

- Ian

We purchased three Goose Decoys earlier this summer.
It was the best investment ever.
We had our doubts in the beginning. The geese literally laid next to the decoys.
But than they suddenly left.
The geese left after a week and never returned.
It is so nice to be able to walk in the yard again.

The ducks do not care about the decoys.

Thank you!
We have recommended your product to many people.


"We purchased a pack of dogs to watch the yard at our vacation lake house. Since we are often not there, goose droppings were a huge hassle for us each time that we got to the house. Geese just swam up on to our beach and walked to the lawn to do their business. From the very first day that we got the dogs, the geese avoided our lawn for other areas around the lake. We have had the dogs "on patrol" for 4 months and still NO GEESE. What a great solution this is. Just move the dogs around the yard periodically and no more poop. No chemicals to spray on the yard or anything. This has to be the most cost and time effective solution on the market!!!"

- Kevin from Michigan

"Two years ago I had a pair of Canadian geese attempt to take over my lawn. It took two weeks of harassing them until they finally fled for the last time.

Last year at this time, they returned, and would not leave. In a very short time, they made quite a mess. One day, when I came home for lunch to chase them away, I was stunned to see another pair sitting on the other side of my property.

I purchased a 3 pack of dogs, and after chasing them away and letting the dogs out, they have not returned at all. Your product worked with 100% effectiveness. I moved them around every 2-3 days as instructed, too.

I brought them in during late October, and re-deployed them this week. I had such substantial cleaning up to do last year that I cannot imagine how bad it would have gotten if I had not used the dogs.

They have made my life so much better that I feel like petting them every day!"

- Bruce from Hauppauge, NY

Just writing to you to let you know how pleased we are with our watchdogs. We are located in the beautiful Finger Lakes of UpState New York. We purchased your product with great expectation and those expectations are being fulfilled over a few weeks now.

We have a long perhaps 50’ permanent wooden dock that extends out into the Lake and for years has been a favorite sitting place for Mallards, Mergansers, Canadian Geese and starting now, Sea Gulls. Our Watch Dog “Jordy” has done the job of stopping these guys from landing on our dock and we are especially pleased when a flotilla of these ducks give Jordy wide birth while swimming around the dock to other locations. In fact, we spend long weekends at this location and bring him in when leaving for a few days to prevent potential theft as many admire him and upon return have found that the ducks have ceased to sit on the end of the dock even when he is not visible. Hoping this continues but so far, so good.

Thanks for the idea and the great product.

- Ted Finger Lakes New York

We live on a small lake and have had major problems with geese in our yard. Daily we have had to deal with as many as 30 of them and with their young, they don’t scare off easily. I bought your decoy dogs and placed them and we haven’t seen a goose within 50 yards of our yard since I put the dogs out. Even the neighbors are amazed and now everyone wants to order your decoys. I admit I was skeptical but they do work.

- Allen Kaisor